Friday, September 25, 2015

ORONGOMAI assembly week 10

OWell done everyone for a fantastic term! It has been a busy one so please enjoy a big break over the holidays.

Thanks to Blake and Portia for running our assembly today. You did a great job.

Well done to Isabella, Ella, Jayden, Kate and Melissa for receiving certificates today. We are all very proud of you!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Fractions Websites

Use these websites to help you learn more about fractions of shapes and fractions of sets.

Introduction to Fractions

Online Practice Activities

Study Jams Fractions (start with the activity at the top)

Fractions of a Set

More production photos...

Orongomai Production

Congratulations to everyone in Orongomai for participating in a very successful production last week. We are very proud of all of you for working so hard for each step of the process from thinking up new ideas and supporting each other to work together to create a very original production piece! 

Wish I had taken more photos of you all but here are a few good ones:) Parents please come and see the display of our inquiry for the production in the Blue Room!

From all the teachers of Orongomai

Friday, September 18, 2015

Orongomai Slideshow

The slideshow created by the Orongomai ICT group for our school production, 'Halswell Rocks'.