Thursday, June 25, 2015

Our New Playground by Caitlin Moore

On Wednesday we were sitting on the mat and Mr Topham came in and exclaimed it was time to open the new playground! So we all went outside and stood next to the playground! So we all went outside and stood next to the playground excitedly. He introduced the PTA to the year 3/4s so they could cut the danger ribbon. So then all the year three children sprinted across the squashy mats to the gigantic playground and started climbing all over it. They looked like anxious ants on an ant farm. I didn't feel like an ant though, I felt like a bird that has just landed from the clear blue sky. I could feel the wind rotating around me. I felt like I needed to get off because it was way too crowded, so I nervously climbed off. Then the teacher asked all of us to sit under the spider web. So I quickly crawled under it. It looked like an upside-down bird's eye view. Then I crawled back out to get morning tea and that was the opening ending.

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